From sub-cellular biology to the Internet, networks capture the architecture behind complex behavior. They map the pathways that channel genetic information between cellular components, spread viruses among linked individuals and help neuronal signals propagate between brain regions. But the network is just the static architecture underlying these rich dynamics. How does this structure translate into dynamic behavior?
At the Complex Network Dynamics lab we translate structure into function. Predicting how signals spread along network pathways, uncovering the network components that contribute to the system’s stability and resilience and detecting the nodes and links that enable information to flow throughout the system. Our ultimate goal is to systematically use complex network data to understand, predict and control its observed behavior.
So, what can your network do?

Evolving patterns of epidemic flow
While topology is static - the patterns of flow can change with time. Watch as the flow shifts with time from the hubs to the peripheral nodes. Read more
Signal propagation in complex networks
How does a signal travel in a network environment? Unpredictably. Here we use a dynamic metric to predict the actual spatio-temporal propagation patterns. Read more
Prof. Baruch Barzel
Principal Investigator
Department of Mathematics
Data Science Institute
The Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center
Opmed.ai - co-founder and chief scientist

Bat-el Ktuvim
Lab Manager

Shashikant Kumar
Guy Berger

Botser Reshef

Yitzchak Ginzburg

Oded Lippmann

Dima Deynega

Yaniv Ilan

Rotem Brand

Rotem Gazit

Nghi Nguyen Cao

Dr. Suman Acharyya

Alon Eldan

Dr. Chittaranjan Hens

Dror Meidan

Dr. Priodyuti Pradhan

Hillel Sanhedrai

Aradhana Singh

Sagi Buaron

Dr. Adar Hacohen

Yotam Kaplan

Dr. Souman Majhi

Eran Reches

Dr. Nir Shriber

Dr. Merav Stern

Dr. Meena Chandrakala

Dr. Uzi Harush

Dr. Nir Lahav

Omri Oren

Gilad Reti

Tal Sido

Gil Tankus
Dynamic patterns of information flow in complex networks, Nature Communications 8, 2181 (2017)
Dynamics of Complex Networks
Statistical physics is the theory of interacting particles, gases and liquids. Its way of thought, however, goes beyond the domain of material science. In a broader perspective it provides us with a bridge between the microscopic description of a system and its observed macroscopic behavior. With it we can track the way in which system-level phenomena emerge from the mechanistic description of the system’s interacting components. For instance how the blind interactions between pairs of magnetic spins lead to the seemingly cooperative phenomena of magnetism.
At CND we develop the statistical physics of complex systems: our interacting particles are not atoms or spins, but rather genes, proteins, animal species or humans. We track the way in which individual human interactions lead to the spread of ideas, perceptions and also diseases, or how biochemical reactions between proteins transfer information between cellular components. These systems defy many of the classic principles that are central to the way physics is traditionally done. The particles are self-driven and non-Newtonian, the interactions are nonlinear and the underlying geometry in random, highly irregular and non-localized. In two words – complex systems.
With these challenges at hand, we find that the dynamic behavior of these complex systems – social, biological or technological – can be predicted, analyzed and understood using the tools and way of thought of statistical physics.
To get a popular taste of our scientific research please visit the links below

Predicting the tipping point of complex systems
While preparing soup, have you ever wondered at what point does a pot of boiling water start evaporating?
Now, we know from basic physics that water can be of two states- liquid or gas.
But is it possible to determine the exact interaction and energy between the billions of water molecules that converts liquid to vapor?


A new framework to predict spatiotemporal signal propagation in complex networks
Past studies have found that a variety of complex networks, from biological systems to social media networks, can exhibit universal topological characteristics. These universal characteristics, however, do not always translate into similar system dynamics.


הנבואה ניתנה למדענים: מתי ייכחדו הדבורים?
תחשבו איך העולם היה נראה אילו הייתה לנו האפשרות לנבא אסונות, הפסקות חשמל או מחלות? כל אותן דוגמאות הן בעצם תוצאה של קריסת מערכות מורכבות ובזכות מחקר ישראלי פורץ דרך, בו לקח חלק ד"ר ברוך ברזל מהמחלקה למתמטיקה של אוניברסיטת בר אילן, ניתן לזהות כיום לראשונה את אותה נקודה קריטית - רגע לפני קריסתה


הקשר המסתורי בין פייסבוק, שפני סלע והפסקות חשמל
מגפות קטלניות, מתקפות סייבר, קריסת תשתיות שמשתקת מדינות שלמות – אנשי המרכז לחקר רשתות משוכנעים שאת כל הקטסטרופות האלה אפשר למנוע בעזרת כמה כלים מתמטיים. במעבדה באוניברסיטת בר־אילן הם מפצחים את הכללים שאליהם מצייתת כל רשת בעולמנו, מצמחייה בג'ונגל ועד טוויטר ופייסבוק, ומגלים כיצד אפשר להציל או למוטט אותה.

Network dynamics - talk at BIU international school on comlex networks
From Neurons to Facebook - Presentation at Nitzozot
Universal Resilience Patterns in Complex Networks video
An interview with Channel 20
An interview with American Friends of Bar-Ilan University
Editing by Lonnie Ostrow
An interview with Channel 13
Webinar - Alternating quarantine for COVID19 mitigation
Krav Mada - Video presentation with Galey Zahal
No exit? Panel hosted by the Israel embassies to UK and US
Blackouts, Facebook and the brain - a chat with Prof. Baruch Barzel
Learning interpretable dynamics of stochastic complex systems from experimental data
Ting Ting Gao, Baruch Barzel and Gang Yan
Nature Communications 15, 6029
Chandrakala Meena, Chittaranjan Hens, Suman Acharyya, Simcha Haber, Stefano Boccaletti and Baruch Barzel
Nature Physics
I. Samoylenko et al.
Physical Review X 13, 021032
Adar Hacohen, Reuven Cohen, Sol Efroni, Ido Bachelet and Baruch Barzel
Scientific Reports 12, 10430
Nir Lahav, Irene Sendiña-Nadal, Chittaranjan Hens, Baruch Ksherim, Baruch Barzel, Reuven Cohen and Stefano Boccaletti
Scientific Reports 12, 1
Xiyun Zhang, Zhongyuan Ruan, Muhua Zheng, Jie Zhou, Stefano Boccaletti and Baruch Barzel
Nature Communications 13, 6218
Hillel Sanhedrai, Jianxi Gao, Amir Bashan, Moshe Schwartz, Shlomo Havlin and Baruch Barzel
Nature Physics 18, 338
Xiyun Zhang, Gabriela Lobinska, Michal Feldman, Eddie Dekel, Martin A Nowak, Yitzhak Pilpel, Yonatan Pauzner, Baruch Barzel and Ady Pauzner
PLoS Computational Biology 18, e1010391
Adi Jacob Berger et al.
Nature Cancer 2, 1055
Dror Meidan, Nava Schulmann, Reuven Cohen, Simi Haber, Eyal Yaniv, Ronit Sarid, Baruch Barzel
Nature communications 12, 1
Kiriil Kovalenko, Irene Sendiña-Nadal, Nagi Khalil, Alex Dainiak, Daniil Musatov, Andrei M Raigorodskii, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Baruch Barzel, Stefano Boccaletti
Communications Physics 4, 1
Zhaoqing Li, Zhenghong Deng, Zhen Han, Karin Alfaro-Bittner, Baruch Barzel and Stefano Boccaletti
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 152, 111307
Yanjun Wang, Yakun Cao, Chenping Zhu, Fan Wu, Minghua Hu, Vu Duong, Michael Watkins, Baruch Barzel & H. Eugene Stanley.
Scientific Reports 10, 6890
Xiyun Zhang, Zhongyuan Ruan, Muhua Zheng, BaruchBarzel and Stefano Boccaletti
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 140, 110130
Hoi-To Wai, Anna Scaglione, Baruch Barzel and Amir Leshem
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67, 4582
Adar Hacohen, Reuven Cohen, Sol Efroni, Baruch Barzel and Ido Bachelet
Scientific Reports 9, 14345
Eran Reches, Daniel Knebel, Jan Rilich, Amir Ayali and Baruch Barzel
iScience 12, 53
Chittaranjan Hens, Uzi Harush, Reuven Cohen and Baruch Barzel
Nature Physics 15, 403
Nir Schreiber, Reuven Cohen, Simi Haber, Gideon Amir and Baruch Barzel
Physical Review E 100, 052119
Nir Lahav, Irene Sendiña Nadal, Chittaranjan Hens, Baruch Ksherim, Baruch Barzel, Reuven Cohen and Stefano Boccaletti
Physical Review E 98, 052204
Prosenjit Kundu, Chittaranjan Hens, Baruch Barzel and Pinaki Pal
Europhysics Letters,120, 40002
Uzi Harush and Baruch Barzel
Nature Communications 8, 2181
Jianxi Gao, Baruch Barzel and Albert-László Barabási
Nature 530, 307
Gang Yan, Georgios Tsekenis, Baruch Barzel, Yang-Yu Liu, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine and Albert-László Barabási
Nature Physics 11, 779
Baruch Barzel, Yang-Yu Liu and Albert-László Barabási
Nature Communications 6, 7186
Baruch Barzel and Albert-László Barabási
Nature Physics 9, 673-681
Baruch Barzel and Albert-László Barabási
Nature Biotechnology 31, 720-725
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
Physical Review E 86, 031126-38
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
Physical Review Letters 106, 150602-05
Baruch Barzel, Ofer Biham, Raz Kupferman, Azi Lipshtat and Amir Zait
Physical Review E 82, 021117-28
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
Physical Review E, 80, 031117-30
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
Physical Review E, 80, 046104-14
Franck Le-Petit, Baruch Barzel, Ofer Biham, Evelyne Roueff and Jacques Le-Bourlot
Astronomy and Astrophysics 505, 1153-1165
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
Physical Review E 78, 041919-26
Baruch Barzel, Ofer Biham and Raz Kupferman
Physical Review E, 76, 26703-12
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 658, L37-L40
Baruch Barzel, Ofer Biham and Raz Kupferman
SIAM Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 6(3), 963-982
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
In Proceeding of the International Workshop on Molecules in Space & Laboratory, Paris, France, (May 14-18, 2007). Eds.: J.L. Lemaire and F. Combes, 425-430
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
Journal of Chemical Physics, 127, 144703
Response to comment on Network link prediction by global silencing of indirect correlations
Baruch Barzel and Albert-László Barabási
Nature Biotechnology 33, 339-342
Response to comment on Binomial moment equations for stochastic reaction systems
Baruch Barzel and Ofer Biham
Physical Review Letters 112, 088902
Nework science and automation
Springer Handbook of Automation
Lorenzo Zino, Baruch Barzel and Alessandro Rizzo
Proceedings of the Third International Winter School and Conference on Network Science
NetSci-X 2017
Rami Puzis, Baruch Barzel and Erez Shmueli
Academic Press - Elsevier
Graph theory properties of cellular networks
Handbook of Systems Biology – Concepts and Insights, Chapter 9.
Baruch Barzel, Amitabh Sharma and Albert-László Barabási
Springer Nature